Using hypnotherapy, in as few as two to maximum five sessions,our certified hypnotherapist helps alleviate the deep psychological factors and events that cause the symptoms of depression.
Have you already been through or treated for any of the following symptoms of depression?
- Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
- Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
- Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
- Irritability, restlessness
- Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
- Overeating or appetite loss
- Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
- Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings
- Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
Have you engaged in talk therapy with or without medication for treating the symptoms of the following depression types?
- Major Depression
- Chronic Depression (Dysthymia)
- Atypical Depression
- Postpartum Depression
- Bipolar Depression (Manic Depression)
- Seasonal Depression (SAD)
- Psychotic Depression
- Serotonin Syndrome
Some people have been through a recent situation that has resulted in those symptoms. Often symptoms of depression are handled using one or two sessions of direct suggestion hypnosis to simply modify the thoughts and negative behaviors that have resulted over a short period of time.
Other people experience long term, repetitive, or severe symptoms. In these cases a powerful four to five session hypnotherapy program will help by identifying the ISE (Initial Sensitizing Event) also referred to as “core issues” as well as the SSEs’ (Secondary Sensitizing Events) that have reinforced the belief, resulting in the negative thoughts and emotions and resolving them.
Get started today with a free, no obligation consultation by clicking here. Start resolving the root cause of your depressions symptoms today. If you are currently being treated by a physician or therapist for a depression, please note that in keeping with Florida law we may require a referral from your medical doctor or licensed mental health counselor. Please contact us if you have any question at (407) 309-6104.
All content displayed on Act Now Hypnosis & Wellness Center in Orlando’s website is provided for general information purposes referencing our available hypnosis and hypnotherapy services and programs. This information should not be treated as a substitute for advice given by your General Practitioner, Medical Doctor, Psychiatric professional or any other healthcare professional. We encourage you to check with your physician before attempting any new therapies. We commonly work with our clients’ healthcare professionals to provide well-rounded adjunct solutions when needed. Success from any kind of coaching, medical or hypnosis process cannot be guaranteed. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your commitment, effort, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. Summary: As in any self-change program and with everything in life, you get out what you put in.
Understanding Hypnosis for Depression at Orlando Hypnosis Clinic
Depression can creep up on you or hit you suddenly. You may have had a depressed mood that felt as if it would never go and lasted most of the day. You may have lost interest or pleasure in something that previously really important for you. You probably experience sleep disturbances and feel fatigued much of the time. You might also experience weight changes, agitation, feelings of worthlessness, excessive or inappropriate guilt, poor concentration, even thoughts about death and suicide.
Most of us experience loss, disappointment, rejection, humiliation and many other painful experiences over a lifetime. It is how your mind interprets these events that affects your overall mental health.
If you suffer from depression then your outlook on life may be somewhat different. Typically events are:
- Taken very personally
- Considered continual and not temporary
- Affect all of your life and not just a small part of it.
The thoughts that go behind these ideas are built deeply into the unconscious mind but they can be changed. You can learn to not take things personally, that it is not your fault. You can realize that events just happen beyond your control and that they pass and are not so important. You can understand that events in life do not affect your whole life just one area of it and only for a short while.
Under hypnosis cognitive, behavioral and psycho-therapeutic techniques can be used to teach new skills to interpret life’s events in a more empowering way.
Some of the greatest risks due to depression are:
- Stressful life
- Marital conflict
- Physical or sexual abuse (past or present)
- Economic deprivation
- Inadequate social skills
- Inadequate problem solving skills
- Inadequate self management skills
- Dysfunctional ways of thinking
- Other coexisting conditions (anxiety, drug dependence, alcoholism etc.)
Suppose it’s one of those days when the mind turns inward and a black cloud descends. The more you fight it the more you sink. Any conscious fight just reinforces this by focusing your attention on it. This is the time when you need to turn your focus of attention to something positive and uplifting. You can prepare your mind in a number of ways, so that it does not get caught in this downward spiral. This is very difficult to do consciously.
The idea with hypnosis is to build in a number of new unconscious habits and ways of thinking. Additionally, our methods can allow you to resolve the events from the past, quickly and painlessly, removing the source of the symptoms altogether. Let us help you today.